Stock markets globally experienced a jolt of volatility as July turned to August in recent weeks. But one thing investors need to understand is we...Read More
Minneapolis based Graco has done well for both its employees and stockholders (the stock is up over 150X since 1990). People that have worked there...Read More
I’ve been interested in studying the most successful investors in history since my early 20s. One striking thing is how many of these people attribute...Read More
2024-Buffett-letter-to-shareholdersDownload For decades, Warren Buffett has written an annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders. They usually contain nuggets of wisdom. This year did not disappoint....Read More
The annual contribution limit for Roth IRAs is relatively small at $6,500 for people under age 50 in 2023. Some may understandably question whether it’s...Read More
12.06.2023-RIP-Charlie-MungerDownload Charlie Munger passed away in late 2023. He had a significant influence on my approach to investing, business and life in general.Read More
Why rising interest rates are bad for stocks One of the most common methods for measuring the attractiveness of stocks is by comparing the earnings...Read More
THE PUNCH BOWL HAS BEEN REMOVED! Former Federal Reserve chair William McChesney Martin famously said the task of the Fed is, “to take away the...Read More